I often get asked why I went into business for myself.
My response normally contains my reasoning, which at that point was, I was sick of working for someone else and watching clients receiving no quality service or value add.
It all boiled down to the burning desire that I could do it better.
I did things a little differently though. I started from scratch. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it and I wanted to start from scratch so I could use my experience of watching what not to do.
Starting from scratch didn’t mean I was reinventing the wheel, I was just able to put the procedures in place that I had devised that would work better. This like I said come from watching my previous employers and their mistakes.
I’m sure you had similar feeling when you started your business?
Unfortunately, sometimes it doesn’t all go to plan and when issues arise it is easy for that passion to subside and for you to question yourself. When the excitement of starting a business dies it is very easy to question yourself and what you are doing.
As a business you should also be focused on the little tell tale signs that your business is slipping and your internal processes are failing.
This all leads to the loss of clients, sales and income. You need to be quick to turn this around. It might be that that your staff are slipping and underperforming which could be something that is a simple fix with a small raise or some motivation.It could be that you need to take a break yourself and do something different to refresh. Running a business can be long hours. You need to be always focused on the business and what happens next but that doesn’t mean that you can’t have down time.
You need to take time out. This is time that you should switch off from the business and recharge yourself. You might also find that the next day you have fresh ideas and a fresh approach of dealing with something.
So remember, don’t feel guilty about taking time out.
Work hard, Play harder….