What you need when taking on a new employee.

Taking on your first employee or a new employee can be a very daunting task for a business owner. So we have put together an outline of some of the things you need to provide to your new employee in order to have everything in order and comply with the law.

First and foremost we believe you should provide them with a welcome letter. You want to make sure they feel welcomed and provide them with a happy and clean environment to work in. Below is a list of the other items you will need to include : –

◾Employment Contract including rate of pay and employment T&Cs.
◾TFN declaration form
◾Super Choice form
◾Fairwork Australia statement
◾Personal and financial detail forms including:
1.Name, postal address, contact number/s and email address
2.Date of birth
3.Emergency contact details
4.Bank Account details/preferred method of payment
5.Additional health and safety requirements

The other step that you should take to make sure you are ready for your employee are :-

◾Make sure you have a desk, computer, phone and stationary set-up
◾Make sure they have an email address, computer password and any other logins they will require in order to perform their job.
◾Provide them with an update procedures manual
◾Set-up an employee file and add the new employee to your payroll

Doing all these steps will make sure you have everything in order to start your new employee off on the right track and more importantly to stay on the right side of the law.