A welcomed change was initiated on Saturday by the Australian people. A government with stability and a united party was elected to run the Country for the next 3 years.

This morning the markets have responded very positive. The Stock market had strong gains and the AUD$ has risen to above 91cents along with this we will see a rise in business and consumer confidence and an increase in spending.

But among all these positives, if you are in small business what does this mean for you and what changes does this government bring with them?

– The promise to reduce the Company tax rate.
– The reduction of red tape for small business saving thousands.
– Stronger representation cabinet in parliament.
– Paid Parental leave will now be paid directly through the government and not by the employer.
– Support with apprenticeship through a new HELP scheme.
– Manufacturing and the abolishment of Fringe Benefits Tax changes proposed by Labor.

As you can see from above the Government has looked very closely with what some of the issues are that face small business and are in the process of amending these.

Although they may not have fixed everything, these are a great start to what is needed.