
Small Business Tax Breaks

As you may be aware with the recent budget announcement there has been a lot of talk about the Small Business Tax Breaks. These tax breaks related to business that have an annual turnover of less than $2 million. The main announcement that has already taken effect is the $20,000 immediate tax write off that...

2015 BUDGET Summary

Small Business – A cut of 1.5% in the company tax rate for small businesses (turnover less than $2m). This will take the rate for them to 28.5% – 1.5% tax cut for small companies announced that the current maximum 30% franking credit would still be available to those companies’ shareholders – 5% discount on...

ATO Audit Targets

Are you on the ATO hit list this year? Each year the ATO issues a list of targets they will focus on this year. Some of these include workers in the following industry:- * Child Care Services * Building & Industrial cleaning * Pub, Bars & Tavens The ATO has also started that they will...

Happy Easter

Happy Easter from all of us at Callaughan Partners. Enjoy your break with your loved ones.

Construction Industry Annual Payments Report

If you work in the building and construction industry you must complete a taxable payments annual report to advises the ATO the amount you paid to contractors through the year. If you fall within these measures, you need to keep and report all your contractor payments to the ATO in a form by the 21...