Health Check

Posted by Brad Callaughan on April 19, 2012

Most people barely check their physical health let alone their financial health. So how do you know when it is time to get a financial health check? It’s not through lack of interest but through lack of understanding that we don’t get regulary financial health check-ups. At Callaughan Partners we focus on growing clients and...

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Self Managed Super Fund

Posted by Brad Callaughan on April 17, 2012

What do I need to know? There is a lot of information out there regarding SMSFs, what you should be doing with them, who should have one, how much money you need to start one etc etc. I feel that the main lure to SMSF is the control  over the investments alternatively I  think the...

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How to cut costs

Posted by Brad Callaughan on March 25, 2012

Cost cutting is much more than just slashing costs. You need to sort out your core expenses from your non core expenses. Core expenses are items like rent, wages, electricity etc anything that is an absolute necessity to running your business. Non core expenses are things like marketing, sponsorship, events,etc anything that are not a...

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Work on your Business and not in it

Posted by Brad Callaughan on March 22, 2012

The old adage that you should be working on the business and not in the business is always tossed around in mentoring circles. I do understand the significance but the majority of small businesses hearing this would be saying ‘if I stop working then there is no business’. However I want to walk you through...

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PAYG Withholding Variation Form

Posted by Brad Callaughan on March 20, 2012

Very simply a PAYG Variation is where you get your tax refund weekly, fortnightly or monthly in your pay compared to a big tax refund at the end of the year. The PAYG Variation is a forecast of what the expenses will be on the property for the next year. The variation is always done...

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