Happy EOFY
HAPPY EOFY!! From all of us at Callaughan Partners we would like to wish everyone a BIG happy End Of Financial Year. We look forward to working with you all next and help you on your financial journey. Regards, Brad Callaughan

Check list for Tax Time

With Tax Time only a week and a bit away, here is a checklist to help you get your tax return in order. What will I need? Income/Receipts: payment summaries for salary and wages; lump sum and termination payments; government pensions and allowances; other pensions and/or annuities; allowances (e.g., entertainment, car, tools);...

Tax time

Well it is flying up to 30 June again and there should be some things that you are preparing to do to help you with end of year. Firstly, look at your tax planning strategies. Is there something I can do to legally reduce my tax bill for this year? Secondly, focus on collections. You...
Lost Super
SuperSeeker is a free, online search tool that shows you details of any superannuation accounts that have received contributions in the past two financial years, any lost super reported to the ATO and any super money that the ATO holds. To check your super or to track down any lost super vist
Why do Small Businesses Fail?
With the recent rise in failures and liquidations of small business as well as established businesses it leads us to look at the cause of these failures. Despite the wealth of resources available to managers and owners, this has not stopped the amount of businesses entering into administration. Deficiencies in management skills, failure to plan...