Want to work till 70?

Posted by Brad Callaughan on April 15, 2014

Joe Hockey recently expressed his thoughts that the pension age could rise to 70. As part of the federal budget talk, Mr Hockey has indicated that he will have to make some tough decisions in this May Budget, which will also be his first budget. One of those will be that if you are currently...

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What you need when taking on a new employee

Posted by Brad Callaughan on March 25, 2014

What you need when taking on a new employee. Taking on your first employee or a new employee can be a very daunting task for a business owner. So we have put together an outline of some of the things you need to provide to your new employee in order to have everything in order...

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ATO Release lowdown on reviews and audits

Posted by Brad Callaughan on March 13, 2014

The ATO have released their lowdown on its review and audit processes. Reviews and audits usually involve looking at your affairs to ensure the information you have given us is accurate and you have complied with your obligations. Reviews and audits are both considered ‘tax audits’ but there are differences between the two as they...

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ATO Data Matching

Posted by Brad Callaughan on March 11, 2014

The ATO has announced that it will request and collect data relating to credit and debit card sales of merchants for the periods from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2014 from various financial institutions, including the four major banks in Australia: Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, National Australia Bank...

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New Year – New Accountant

Posted by Brad Callaughan on February 25, 2014

Now, is most probably the best time to start your search for a new accountant should you be thinking this way. You can change accountants anytime, but if you’ve been thinking about it NOW is the window of opportunity, prior to 30 June, to make sure you’re in tax shape ready for the financial year...

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