Its Beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Posted by Brad Callaughan on December 4, 2014

Wow. Hasn’t Christmas come around really quickly this year. I seem to say the same thing every year, but it seems to be getting quicker and quicker each year. From all of us at Callaughan Partners we wish you and your family a very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A SAFE AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR We would...

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To gift or not to gift

Posted by Brad Callaughan on October 11, 2014

With Christmas on the way, one of the questions we always get asked is surrounding gifts and their deductibility. In general, you can claim anything that you incurred in relation to earning an income, that will increase your earnings and or future earnings. If you are able to prove that the gift expenditure fits into...

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Tax Time

Tax time continues

Posted by Brad Callaughan on October 6, 2014

Tax Time

This tax season has been crazy and continues on with us helping a vast array of clients to get the best tax return possible whilst also educating clients on what they are entitle to claim, so they can most the most of this coming year. If you have not already lodged your tax return yet,...

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Cost of acquiring clients

Posted by Brad Callaughan on August 24, 2014

Have you ever heard that it is cheaper to keep your current clients than it is to attract new clients? Have you ever stoped to consider this statement? It has to be one of the truest statements in business. It is always easier and cheaper to keep a client than to attract new ones. Keep...

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ATO “data mining” program targets offshore tax evaders

Posted by Brad Callaughan on August 10, 2014

The ATO has announced that it is “mining data” to identify individuals with undisclosed offshore income and assets. The new information would be used to encourage people to disclose under Project DO IT, the ATO’s offshore disclosure initiative. The ATO will significantly increase its compliance focus by examining data including:  information from overseas tax...

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